
We live in a society where Christianity was the norm for hundreds of years.

Now, as it becomes less and less accepted, some people want to try to get back to the way things were. But, what if we were always meant to be different? That’s the kind of situation into which Peter wrote his first letter: a struggling Christian minority spread across a geographic area a little smaller than California. In his opening line, he calls them exiles—a radically different way of thinking about what it means to be a Christian and the one we need most right now.

Week 1: Discussion Guide
Week 2: Discussion Guide
week 3: Discussion Guide
Week 4: Discussion Guide
Week 5: Discussion Guide
Week 6: Discussion Guide
Week 7: Discussion Guide
Week 8: Discussion Guide
Week 9: Discussion Guide
Week 10: Discussion Guide
Week 11: Discussion Guide
Week 12: Discussion Guide